New Here?

It's hard to believe but we started this blog back in January 2014, four and half years ago at the time of writing this. (July 2018.) It started as a way to record the progress of our house and share what we learned, paying it forward for everything we learned from the numerous blogs we read prior to and during our build.

Pretty much all of the other Ryan Homes blogs I've seen stopped at the time of closing or few months afterward. My goal with ours was to continue posting about things we've learned long term. I've had at least one person on one of the Facebook groups that was currently going through the build on their own Sienna tell me that it nice knowing how things were going years later and what to expect.

While I don't post nearly as much as I once did hopefully these occasional posts are helpful. We've learned a lot as homeowners both on this house and the seven and a half years we spent in our prior house and want to continue passing that knowledge along.

That being said, if you're new here start with the very post from January 2, 2014 and work your way forward from there. And please leave us comments. It's always good to hear from folks that a particular post was useful, etc. (Pointing out typos, non-working links, etc is helpful too.)

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